Can Acupuncture Help with IVF and Anxiety?

There is a rising popularity of alternative treatment options that boost one’s fertility. One such example is acupuncture. A study found that more than 14 million Americans use or have tried acupuncture, which was a significant rise from the 8 million acupuncture patients prior. Demand for acupuncture is increasing and it is a favored treatment option by many couples looking to start a family. In this article, we will cover IVF, anxiety, how stress affects one’s ability to conceive, what acupuncture is and the benefits of acupuncture for IVF-related anxiety. Let’s get into it!

What Is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most effective fertility treatment. This treatment option is primarily to assist couples with fertility or genetic problems to be able to conceive. To simply explain this complex procedure, the mature eggs are obtained from the ovaries and are fertilized by the sperm outside the body, in a controlled specialized laboratory. The embryo (fertilized egg) is monitored as it continues to grow in the controlled environment for a while before it is transferred into the uterus to increase chances of implantation and pregnancy. IVF is a time-consuming, expensive and an invasive procedure.


IVF and Anxiety

A recent study found that infertile adults suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression more than fertile adults. An estimated 25 to 60 percent of infertile adults suffer from one or more mental health illnesses. IVF treatment is physically tiring, and it is a stressful experience for both the body and mind. Expectant mothers constantly swing from hope to loss and grief as they go through the treatment procedure multiple times. Thus, feeling anxious is a normal response. However, the anxiety can also cause mothers to keep an emotional distance from their babies after birth for fear of losing them. This causes poor bonding and attachment with their babies after pregnancy and may lead to postnatal depression.


Does Stress Affect Ability to Conceive?

There are studies that conclude stress as a factor to lower fertility. There is no evidence that stress causes infertility although stress does lower your chances of conceiving. Extreme stress causes people to practice poor lifestyle choices and habits that affect fertility. Extreme stress can cause you to lose sleep and research has shown that getting less than five hours of sleep each night increases pregnancy issues and miscarriage. Another habit that people adopt when they are very stressed is eating unhealthily. Most times, this leads to weight gain and obesity which are factors that affect fertility. Even being borderline overweight affects fertility. This does not only affect women, but men as well. Being overweight and obese can decrease male fertility and lower sperm count.


What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine practitioners taught that the body consists of over 2000 acupuncture points that are connected. Qi or energy flows through these connections and is vital for overall health. They believe that any disturbance in the flow of energy causes issues in the body. Thus, acupuncture is practiced to increase the flow of energy in order to improve health. Acupuncture is most commonly performed by inserting thin needles into the skin at the target acupuncture points. Additionally, there are other modalities included within East Asian Medicine; acupuncture, acupressure, gua sha, tui na, cupping therapy, moxibustion, pelvic steaming, and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage and herbal therapy.


Benefits of Acupuncture For IVF and Anxiety

Reduces Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Multiple medical research studies have found that acupuncture does help to lower stress, anxiety and depression in infertile adults. Infertility can cause great distress and IVF treatment is a stressful experience for most couples wanting to start a family. Acupuncture is a recommended alternative medicine that helps to lower the level of cortisol, more commonly known as the stress hormone, in the body and reduce the risk of suffering a miscarriage once pregnant. Thus, acupuncture helps to reduce stress and IVF-related anxiety to minimize fertility issues.


Helps to Regulate Hormones To Boost Fertility  

There are a lot of doctors who recommend couples looking to conceive to get an acupuncture session immediately before the onset of a fertility treatment, before the transfer of the embryo to the uterus for implantation. The hormonal balance in the body is important for women for conception and fertility. Acupuncture is especially effective in regulating the hormone level in the body. Thus, acupuncture can boost fertility by regulating and supporting the healthy level of hormones in the body.


Relaxes the Uterus to Improve Implantation of the Embryo

One way how acupuncture helps to support conception in women trying IVF is by making the uterus relaxed for the embryo transfer. This increases chances of implantation of the embryo and a successful pregnancy. The needles in the pressure points stimulate the circulation of blood to the uterus. This prevents contractions of the uterus and supplies the newly-implanted embryo with nutrients and oxygen, increasing the likelihood of a successful implantation.


When To Go For Acupuncture To Boost Fertility

Acupuncture is typically offered three to four months before leading up to the IVF embryo transfer to the uterus. The long time period allows a therapeutic effect and reduces stress on the body. It is recommended to attend an acupuncture session once to three times a week. Each session is estimated to be an hour long which includes a 20 to 40-minute session with the insertion of the needles in the pressure points. The majority of women experience no pain and some experience mild discomfort. If you are taking aspirin or anticoagulant medications, do inform your acupuncture practitioner.

 In the hands of an experienced and skilled East Asian Medicine practitioner, a session of acupuncture can work wonders.  Find a skilled practitioner to perform safe care and treatment for you. In the United States, an East Asian Medicine practitioner or licensed acupuncturist holds a Masters or Doctorate, is licensed by their state, and is registered with  National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). 

 Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Acupuncture for Mental Health: An Effective Complementary Therapy


Acupuncture for Infertility: How It Works and Its Benefits