Relax, Enjoy, Rejuvenate.

Make massage a regular part of your well-being routine.

Massage is not just a luxury. It’s a way to a healthier, happier, life.

  • Embark on a personalized journey of relaxation and rejuvenation with our Celestial Harmony Massage. This integrative massage is a symphony of various modalities, harmoniously tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Collaborate with your therapist to discover the perfect blend of techniques – from Swedish to deep tissue, myofascial release to trigger point therapy, and more. This adaptable approach allows for modifications during the session, ensuring the most beneficial and therapeutic experience for you. Whether it’s releasing deep-seated tension, promoting relaxation, or addressing specific wellness goals, the Celestial Harmony Massage is a versatile and dynamic path to complete well-being, all under the nurturing glow of the moon.

  • Mother's Embrace Prenatal Massage is a specially tailored experience for expectant mothers, designed to provide comfort and relief during pregnancy. In addition to our side-lying position with supportive pillows and a gentle incline, we offer custom pregnancy pillows that allow for a portion of the treatment to be enjoyed while lying face down. This unique feature ensures maximum relaxation and alleviates aches effectively, making it an ideal retreat for mothers-to-be in their second trimester and beyond.

  • Embrace the nurturing touch of our Crescent Bloom Fertility Massage, thoughtfully designed for those on their journey to conception. This specialized massage, focusing on the abdominal area, sacrum, and incorporating reflexology, is performed during a specific window – after menstrual bleeding has stopped and before ovulation. This timing is chosen to align with your body's natural fertility cycle, enhancing circulation, supporting hormonal equilibrium, and aiding reproductive health. Our expert therapists use gentle, yet effective techniques to create a tranquil and restorative experience. The Crescent Bloom Fertility Massage is more than just a treatment; it's a holistic embrace of your body's natural rhythms, fostering an optimal environment for fertility under the calming cycle of the moon.


  • The health experts at National University of Health Sciences presents the top five health benefits of adding regular massage therapy to your health and wellness strategy. Massage therapy from a licensed practitioner can:

    1. Lower stress

    The long-term effects of stress can take emotional and physical tolls. Massage therapy may relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.

    2. Increased Immune Function

    Medical research indicates that massage therapy can help boost immune system strength by increasing the activity level of the body’s natural “killer T cells,” which fight off viruses.

    3. Boost Mental Health and Wellness

    Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression (all associated with mental health) may be directly affected by massage therapy.

    4. Pain Management and Improved Range of Motion

    Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury. Recent findings highlight the role of massage in pain management.

    5. Improved Physical Fitness

    Elite and recreational athletes alike can benefit from massage therapy – massage can reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance, and prevent injuries.

  • In general, there are a few conditions that would prevent you from getting a massage. Of course, do not schedule an appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, or a skin condition that is contagious. The first trimester of pregnancy is generally considered off-limits for massage, as are active chemotherapy or other intensive medical treatments. If you have a serious medical condition and you are unsure if a massage would be safe for you, massage therapists will recommend that you speak with your primary care provider to get approval first.

  • In general, massages should not hurt. In fact, if you are in pain during a massage, this may cause your muscles to seize up, making the relaxing effects more difficult to achieve. If the pressure is too intense, speak up immediately so your therapist can adjust. Certain techniques may result in soreness during the days following a massage, similar to that of a great workout, but in general, you should not have pain during or after your massage.

  • Your massage therapist should require you to fill out a health history form. They may also ask more in-depth questions to establish which areas you would like focused on, or if there are any specific conditions needing to be addressed. It is important to list all health concerns and medication so that your therapist can adapt your session to your specific needs without causing any harm. It is also important to specify any allergies so that your therapist may adjust the oil or cream being used during your visit.

  • You may undress to your level of comfort. Many people prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others choose to be nude. Your massage therapist will leave the room so you can undress and lie on the massage table under a top sheet. Regardless if you choose to maintain some clothing or not, your massage therapist will always ensure that you are always properly covered.

  • Some people enjoy having a conversation during their massage but keep in mind, the treatment is all about you releasing your tensions and enjoying the experience. Regardless of your choice, be sure to speak up during the massage if there is anything you would like adjusted (temperature, pressure, music, etc).

  • The main differences are body positioning and technique. During a pregnancy massage, you will recline face-up (supine), to elevate your upper body and relieve pressure on the lower back. For back and hip massage, you will lie on your side, with multiple pillows to support your knees, hips, and abdomen. Additional smaller bolsters are placed as needed for added support and comfort.

    During your massage, several specialized techniques unique to pregnancy massage will be used, and more time will be spent on common problem areas like the lower back, hips and feet. However, as always, the massage is tailored to meet your personal needs and comfort.

  • As long as you are having a normal, healthy pregnancy, you can have a prenatal massage at any time, from conception to labor. Massage is extremely beneficial to mother and baby during all stages of pregnancy. We do ask you get a clearance from you physician prior to scheduling the massage.

  • The only way to know if your therapist is qualified to perform prenatal massage is to work with a therapist who holds a special certification in prenatal massage.

  • Prenatal massage given by a certified prenatal therapist is completely safe under most circumstances. However, massage is only meant to relieve the general discomforts associated with a normal, healthy pregnancy, and is not a medical treatment for any ailments or diseases.

    If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, consult your physician before seeking massage therapy:

    -Severe morning sickness, vomiting, diarrhea or fever;

    -Frequent episodes of dizziness or fainting;

    -Pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes or toxemia;

    -Excessive swelling in arms, legs, hands or feet that is painful, red or hot to the touch;

    -Uncontrolled high or low blood pressure;

    -Severe, painful or swollen varicose veins or phlebitis in the legs;

    -Unusual reduction in fetal activity over a 24-hour period;

    -Mother placed on partial or total bed rest.